Ilmington Parish Council




Unless specifically attributed, all images are by courtesy of the Shakespeare Club of Stratford-upon-Avon. Click on any image to see a larger view.

A Club medal dating from the 1820s. By permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Announcement of the 1827 Gala. By permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Poster for the Masquerade in the 1830 Birthday Celebrations.

Close-up of the glass goblet given to the Club in 1830. By permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Treust. The cast for the Club's peerformance of Ben Jonson's masque Pan's Anniversary, 1905. By permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Decorations for the 1907 Shakespeare Birthdau Celebrations. By permission of Nicholas Fogg.

Decorations and procession in Church Street for Shakespeare's Birthday, 1909. By permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. International visitors at the Birthday Celebrations, 1911. By permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Mayor Annie Justins carries the Shakespeare Club wretah in the Birthday procession, with Sir Frank Benson to her right, 23 April 1930.

The Club's flag, flown annually on Shakespeare's Birthday. By permission of Richard Morris. Club President Jeremy Irons with Club members and guests, November 2014. By permission of Richard Morris. Sir Richard Eyre with Roger Pringle at the Club's Presidential Evening, January 2017. By permission of Richard Morris.

Club chairman Jean Lawrance and members of the Committee with the wreath at the Club's flagpost April 2016. The Shakespeare Club luncheon 7 May 2016. By permission of Richard Morris. Shakespeare's tomb in Holy Trinity Church, 23 April 2016. By permission of Sylvia Morris.

The Club's General meeting in 1874. The Committee celebrating the 900th meeting February 2016. By permission of Richard Morris. Programme for a club members' evening 1946. The Shakespeare Club's tableau representing Queen Elizabeth's court in the pageant for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897.


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The Story of the Shakespeare Club of Stratford-upon-Avon
'Long life to the Club call'd Shakspearean'

By Susan Brock and Sylvia Morris
Order here.